The Anthologies - Greatest Hits - COMING SOON
The punk album is taking shape...
Finally, we are doing it. We have a lot already done and a lot more to do...this will be a pretty full album spanning the
complete history of the band's career. This album from "The Anthologies" will take you through the ups and downs of the band
from the early days in the garage (yes, you will hear previously unreleased tracks...they sound raw and not very produced but
capture the essence of the band in their early days) up until their just recently released album which has been produced in
the best studios the wolrd has to offer without any expenses spared. Throughout all of this "The Anthologies" never lose their
their feel for songwriting and rebelious power. The booklet will lend you an insight into the bands history and allow you
a backstage look at some of their proud and not so proud moments. The DVD which is also being produced at the moment will
accompany the making of this album and feature interviews with all three band members.
This album is going to be fun. You will be taken on a ride through the many faces of punk by a band that has influenced many
others through the years.
Here is a sneak preview...we'll let you hear one of the songs ahead of time.
BUT THAT'S more spoilers...
The Fuckheads from Connecticut
here are some pictures...lots more to come
Adam Evers
Henning Pauly
Matt and Henning
Adam Evers 2
The band working on music...n' beer
Adam the bassman
Adam in the dark

Air Band - Video
This is just silly...
Chris Donlon, my bosses son, has a production company with Adam Evers (co-writer of FS2) called Dutlin ( They wanted to enter a contest for a commercial on and asked Matt and me to participate in this ridiculous project.
I mean...I could tell you all about it or just could the work speak for itself... I think that's what I'll do...
(Files require the latest version of Quicktime)
Dutlin's AIR BAND Commercial
here are some pictures of the shoot
Adam Evers 1
Adam Evers 2
Adam Evers 3
Adam Evers 4
Adam Evers and Mark (Whatever his last name is)
The Band
Chris Donlon
Henning 1
Henning 2
Henning 3
Band Jump 2
Band Jump 3
Mark ?
Mark ? again
Matt Cash 1
Matt Cash 2
Matt Cash 3
Matt Cash 4

Babysteps and Transmission - Studio Logs
The work continues...
Well, finally, the work on babysteps and other stuff continues. I am still working on finishing Matt's album and we are getting very close. We took a break for a day and recorded some vocals with Michael Sadler for the new Transmission album "ID, Ego and Superego" where Michael did guest vocals on the title track. This video will also be available on their website at
While at the studio I took the opportunity to have Michael finish one of his tracks for Babysteps. The song is called "A Place in Time" and also features Ian Crichton from Saga on a killer guitar solo. There's a TSO style a capella part in the middle which will feature Matt Cash, Jody Ashworth and Maya Haddi. I said, we are moving along on Babysteps and as far as I can see it will actually be done at some point...
(Files require the latest version of Quicktime)
Michael Sadler sings Transmission's "ID, Ego and Superego"
Michael Sadler sing "A Place in Time" for Babysteps

Matt Cash - Four State Lines - Studio Logs
New studio logs are here.
Hi folks, we have been working on Matt's country album throughout the year and we are getting closer to its completion.
We are still missing a few instruments and we'll need to re-do the vocals completely. Here are a few studio logs that show
us working on the thing. Michael Sadler, of SAGA fame, was kind enough to lend his vocals to some of the beautiful harmonies.
I am not sure how many more of these logs we'll have for this album, so enjoy what's here and buy the album when it's done.
(Files require the latest version of Quicktime)
Four State Lines - Log 1
Four State Lines - Log 2
Four State Lines - Log 3
Four State Lines - Log 4's out.
Yeah's out.
Reviews are steadily coming in and some love it, some hate it and others are not quite sure yet.
Why don't you do the smart thing and, if you don't have "Credit where credit is due" already, buy it and form your own
opinion. There are even some interviews floating around the web where the press has asked me a few questions about this
revolutionary album...

New Henning Pauly Album.
What this thing is and why and how will hopefully become clear as the updates keep piling up here and
you get more insight into the process and what we are doing...OR, you could just not care at all and just
enjoy the music without giving a flying crap about the people who make's possible and it wouldn't
really matter to's the music that counts, remember...
If you do care...come back and watch the videos. I recommend the QT movies because they look a lot better. So
go ahead and download the newest Quicktime player and enjoy the great quality.
I am having a blast writing and playing this music and of course completely overproducing it. Considering that I
only had two weeks to come up with the whole album and now another two weeks to come up with lyrics and melodies and
also record them, it's not as complex as it might be if I had more time, but that can only be a good thing.
As always I will have help for the lyrics and this time Edward Heppenstall is also helping out...
By now it should be known that JUAN ROOS from Transmission ( is the lead singer
for this album. This guy has an amazing voice and he's laying down vocals faster and more precisely than anyone
I've worked with. He most certainly knows what he's doing...we are having fun, that's for sure.
Check below the videos for a tracklist...
CWCID Studio Log 1 - Windows Media
CWCID Studio Log 2 - Windows Media
CWCID Studio Log 3 - Windows Media
CWCID Studio Log 4 - Windows Media
CWCID Studio Log 5 - Windows Media
CWCID Studio Log 6 - Windows Media
Interview with Juan Roos - Windows Media
Serious Interview with Juan Roos - Windows Media
CWCID Studio Log 7 - Windows Media
CWCID Studio Log 8 - Windows Media
CWCID Studio Log 9 - Windows Media
CWCID Studio Log 10 - Windows Media
CWCID Studio Log 11 - Windows Media
CWCID Studio Log 12 - Windows Media
CWCID Studio Log 13 - Windows Media
CWCID Studio Log 14 - Windows Media
(These files in MOV format look a lot better, but they require you to download the preview version of QT7 here...
Quicktime 7 - Windows Preview)
CWCID Studio Log 1 - Quicktime Movie
CWCID Studio Log 2 - Quicktime Movie
CWCID Studio Log 3 - Quicktime Movie
CWCID Studio Log 4 - Quicktime Movie
CWCID Studio Log 5 - Quicktime Movie
CWCID Studio Log 6 - Quicktime Movie
Interview with Matt Cash - Quicktime Movie
Interview with Juan Roos - Quicktime Movie
Serious Interview with Juan Roos - Quicktime Movie
CWCID Studio Log 7 - Quicktime Movie
CWCID Studio Log 8 - Quicktime Movie
CWCID Studio Log 9 - Quicktime Movie
CWCID Studio Log 10 - Quicktime Movie
CWCID Studio Log 11 - Quicktime Movie
CWCID Studio Log 12 - Quicktime Movie
CWCID Studio Log 13 - Quicktime Movie
CWCID Studio Log 14 - Quicktime Movie
1. Your mother is a trucker - done
2. Cure the Breach - done
3. Three - done
4. Scheisslautundhartwiedreck - done
5. I don't wanna be a rockstar - done
6. Six - done
7. Seven - done
8. Radio Sucks - done
9. Halo - done
10. Copyright Conspiracy - done
11. German Metalhead - done
12. I like my video games - done

Mikko Heino sings "What kind of Animal"
OK, this is just way cool. I got an eMail today from Miko Heino, who (I am guessing) is from Sweden, or Norway...well,
Skandinavia somewhere. He recorded a little video of him performing an acoustic guitar version of "What kind of Animal"
and he is doing an excellent job. Sadly, the video cuts out before the song is over but maybe he will treat us to the
full version some day. Until then, here is the version he posted on his website at
Mikko sings "What kind of Animal" (14MB)

Holy flying crap...these sound awesome !!!

Lucian Tu and Pete Celi from DAMAGE Control stopped by today and showed us their mindblowing Pedals. These things
are direct recording boxes, pre-amps and stomp boxes. Damage control doesn't stuff their gear full of features
but rather full of sound and there is A LOT of amazing tube sound coming out of these things. No FX, just tone.
Seriously, you can't believe how much the direct sound of these amps sounds as if you are mic-ing an amp right
next door. The Pod was a revolution that made it be the one piece of gear any studio just had to have. Now there is
another revolution and soon you will see Damage Control gear in EVERY studio, from home recording environments
to top class recording studios.
Damage Control Website

Henning soon to Demonize and Womanize...
On Monday, July 18th, Henning is going to produce a couple of demo videos for Damage Control, an LA based guitar
effects and pre-amp company. Henning will be using Damage Control's brand new "Demonizer" and "Womanizer" pedals
on his upcoming release Babysteps. Damage Control is a company founded by former Line 6 developers. Lucian Tu, president of
the company, will be demoing the units in Henning's studio. Henning is proud work with Damage Control and endorse
their amazing line of pedals !!!
Damage Control Website
