Video Clip from the Frameshift II Writing Sessions
We have been writing feverishly to finish all the lyrics and rough vocals before December 7th, so that
Henning can go to Germany and take a little break before the final vocal sessions in early January. The result of the
writing is amazing, but it means very long days and late hours...we are all very exhausted. This time the writing team
is Henning Pauly, who did all the music by himself, and then brought in Matt Cash and Adam Evers to write lyrics and melodies.
So far the stuff is turning out amazing and it is perfectly tailored to fit the vocalist...
Check out some short clips from the writing sessions...
Later that night...
Waaayyyy later that night...the next morning...
Two days later...still doin' it...
Done...for now.

B.L.U.E. gets into the new Frameshift album!
B.L.U.E. (Baltic Latvian Universal Electronics) decided to endorse Henning and his work on the new Frameshift album.
After they heard who would be behind the microphone on the new record they knew that this mic had to be the best one
out there and they handed over their Bottle mic. It is Blue's top of the line tube microphone priced at $5000. It has
an interchangeable capsule system and Blue sells seven different capsules for the Bottle which make it the most
versatile mic on the market with an unrivaled quality and sound. The picture shows Kelley from Blue giving Henning this
oversized microphone at Blue's US headquarters in Westlake Village, California

Frameshift II
OK, I guess it slipped out on the board so I better explain what's going on. It's true, we are doing another
Frameshift album. We have a proposed title, but it is not ready for the public yet. The music is written and
ready to go. I wrote most of it during the Chain.exe vocal sessions when I had to wait for the vocalists to
make some time for me and the rest came together quickly once we had the interest of one of the most amazing
vocalists of all time. James LaBrie himself got me in touch with him and James is excited about me working
with this killer vocalist. I am sure you all know him and that you own at least one of his albums...he's
a pretty prominent public figure...well...that's all I can say for now.
The album is, again, a concept album and this time the basic idea was conceived by Shawn Gordon himself. We
had many meetings and exchanged countless eMails to fine tune the storyline and the content and all I can say
is that it is a lot more intense than anything I have done before. The music is a whole lot heavier than the first
Frameshift album but you will find a lot of the elements you liked about "Unweaving the Rainbow".
I will let you know more as soon as I get to OK from the label!

Updated METAL News
Provided by
Limited Edition DVD now in manufacturing!!!
The DVD is finally done with a lot more goodies than we originally promised. Because of that reason we decided
to make 500 more and increase the limited edition to 1000 DVDs. We will also sell the DVD seperately from the
CD now and increase the price for the CD/DVD Set just a bit because we also wanted a cover for it now that it
contains so much more than anticipated. worries, those of you who already ordered it will receive it as
promised (in a CD sleeve) for the price that you paid, so consider yourself lucky that you bought it early.
Although there is no live footage on this DVD because Chain simply doesn't play live, we have several clips from
concerts from about 10 years ago...bands that the guys from Chain once played in and other stuff. There are interviews
, a music video and even some short clips of Babysteps...

Holy Crap !!! The DVD is bigger than expected.
Hey folks, here's an update...the Chain limited edition DVD is going to be way bigger than expected.
We are currently working on a 10 minute music video for "Eama Hut" which is way more work then we hoped but it will kick
some serious ass!!! There will be about an hour of behind the scenes stuff with the guests, over an hour of interiews
with the band members, tons of pictures in a slide show, old footage of some of us on stage and more...this thing is
definitively going to be worth five might have to wait just a bit longer, but it will be fun to watch in the
end...I promise.

Nordstrand Guitars are going to build the Henning Pauly Signature Humbucker
Carey Nordstrand from Nordstrand Guitar and Pickups is going to work closely with Henning to design a custom humbucker
which will support Henning's sound and playing style perfectly. These pickups will be very agressive with a lot of attack
and the neck pickup version will have an exaggerated midrange for soloing. The pickups will be available in 6 string and
7 string versions.
We don't know yet when the pickups will be available, but they will ship with a free copy of Henning's upcoming solo
guitar album "Gewirrhey". Check out the amazing work Carey does...on his website.
Nordstrand Guitar Website

(08/19/2004) is done. The website is updated and all the appropriate sections now include Chain.exe pics and references.
You might be especially interested in the sample section !!! Go ahead and listen to some short excerpts from the album.
GO TO THE Chain.exe Sample Page
Even Better....go to the progrockrecords website and order it NOW...
Buy the CD
One thing you will notice on that website is the Chain.exe LIMITED EDITION which will include a DVD with
tons of behind the scenes footage, interviews and other fun stuff. This edition is limited to 500 and is only five
bucks can't lose.
Please, if you've listened to the your reaction on the board...
Finally...footage of Maya Haddi in action !!!
After working with Maya for several years, Henning was finally smart enough to point a camera at her. She
recorded background vocals for Chain.exe which concludes the recording sessions and means the thing
will finally be done and ready to ship in a few weeks...(photo by Josh Donlon)
Vocals from Deep Below...see here...
Jody Ashworth, who, in case you didn't know, will also be one of the main characters on Babysteps
laid down very low vocals for the killer a capella section on Chain. Check out a short video in our
video section...scroll to the bottom (photo by Mickey Donlon)
Video Clip of Michael Sadler !
Finally, Michael Sadler from SAGA took time out of his busy schedule to record some amazing vocals
for the new Chain album...all I can say is that his parts are mindblowing.
Check out a video of the session
Matt and Henning are finishing up the final lyrics for the new Chain album so that Michael
Sadler can come in and actually has something to sing. Here is a video clip of that session.
Chain.exe nearing completion
Matt Cash is in the studio right now laying down tracks for Chain.exe and they are sounding pretty sweet !
The Chain website is being built as we speak and will be up and running when the album is released.
One track from the album, "Eama Hut", is already mixed and will also appear on the Progrockrecords Sampler "analecta 1"
which will be shipped with the september issue of progression magazine and can also be ordered at The
sampler contains 13 tracks and is a full 80 minutes long.

BIG NEWS - Progrockrecords was aquired by WMD Holdings
WMD Holdings, the company Henning works for, went public (stock symbol WMDH). Henning works for its divisions
CAM (a marketing company), i2recording (the studio) and jinglegroup (a music production house). Henning's boss
Michael Donlon decided to get himself a slice of progrock pie and bought Progrockrecords which is now also a
division of WMD Holdings. This means that Henning is now an employee of the label and produces his music full time.
This also means that anyone can buy stock and own a part of the action. How about can buy stock and own
a part of the music itself. Here are some links...
WMD Holdings
Henning is working with Victoria Trevithick on her vocal parts for the new Chain album. Check out some
clips from the session.
DRUMROLL PLEASE !!! The Forum is up and running.
Yes yes....stop your bitching...I know it took us a while...but it is here, it is working and it is ready
for all you people without a life to talk about stuff...I am aware of the fact that this stuff
will include talking trash about music and possibly my will include insulting each other
because we have different tastes in music...all the good stuff...
I would like to ask for one thing though....don't post anything negative about "Hanson" - anything but that.
Now click on BOARD and bitch away...
FINALLY !!! Edward Heppenstall's album is done.
Edward Heppenstall has worked with Henning for a year to finish his album "Parts that hate me" which will be
available on his website soon, but you can already hear some samples here
Henning and Edward Heppenstall embark on their first prog journey together
Edward Heppenstall moves over to the dark side and helps Henning to record the progressive metal song "Pride is my bitch"
Since this song won't be on any album, you can download it in the audio section (bottom)
And you can see videos of the session here
Audio samples pages online
Check out the media section for the new audio download page. There you'll find lots of samples of Henning's work
as well as many full songs that haven't been released for download.
Matt Cash session to record songs for his upcoming wedding.
Matt and Henning are working on a song and some processional music for Matt's wedding to Jennifer on June 20th.
They are working on a song called "Northern Lights", which will appear in the music section soon.
Here are two clips from the session
Mike Keneally in studio
On Tuesday 05/24/04 Mike Keneally (Frank Zappa / Steve Vai / Mike Keneally and Beer for Dolphins / and many others)
recorded vocals and guitar parts for "Last Chance to See" which will be on the upcoming Chain album "chain.exe".
Check out some pictures in the Chain picture gallerie or see the master in action in some video clips
from the session.
Introducing the webmaster
Now that the website is almost complete (except for the forum...we are working on that), Henning would like to
introduce the man behind the site: Tobias Kunz !!!
This site is growing almost daily, with pics, videos, audio samples and news from sessions and the only reason
you folks out there can see all this is because Tobi puts it up here. If you are in need of a well designed
and maintained website, please don't hesiate to contact him at
13 Days out now.
Check out Henning's latest album, called 13 Days, and watch a short commercial in the videos section.
Babysteps and Saga...
On Saturday May 22nd Ian Crichton and Jim Gilmour from SAGA took a day out of recording their
new album to come to the studio and record parts for "Babysteps". Check out some pictures
Another new Interview
Henning and James talk to Tom Klaner of
Bright Eyes Germany about Frameshift. Read it here.
13 Days released
Henning's new "just for fun" album is released on it here !!!
New Interview
Henning Pauly Interview in the April issue of "Metal Maniacs", check it out.
Because of the incredibly positive response to "Unweaving the rainbow",
there has been talk about the possibility of James LaBrie and Henning Pauly
working on a second album. If this collaboration is to take place, it would not
be before the middle of 2005 because of other projects that are in the works.
Chain's second album "chain.exe" is in full production. Stephan Kernbach (keys) spent
2 weeks at Henning's studio in LA and they worked on "Eama Hut", a very heavy song
which will fit perfectly on the album. The album will also contain a cover of Saga's
"Hot to Cold" with Matt Cash singing next to none other than Saga's lead vocalist Michael
Sadler who will also be contributing vocals to the 35 minute epic "Cities".
The songs on the album will be:
1. Cities
2. She looks like you
3. Eama Hut
4. Leave the past behind
5. Hot to Cold
6. Last Chance to See
chain.exe will not be a concept album...because...come can't always do that...

Parallel to working on chain.exe, Henning is busy getting the ball rolling on Babysteps.
This 2 CD rock opera will contain 32 songs and be a massive amount of work with no release date
in site yet. James LaBrie already did his vocals during the Frameshift session and he will be
in great company. Jody Ashworth and Jill Gioia from the Trans Siberian Orchestra will be joined
by Matt Cash from Chain Maya Haddi. Al Pitrelli of Savatage, TSO and Megadeth will take care of
some guitar parts which should make this release even more exciting. We'll be posting a song or
too soon, so check back here often.
Edward Heppenstall
All through 2003 Henning has worked with Songwriter Edward Heppenstall on his debut album and it
is close to being finished. It is a nice collection of songs that hint at something Sting would do,
but with more Blues, Funk and Jazz influences....yeah...some rock too....
Check back for samples....
