Henning is a proud Endorser of Magnus Guitars. Magnus Krempel builds outstanding Guitars and Basses in his small shop in
Germany. The craftsmanship on these instruments is amazing and so is the sound. Compared to other expensive basses,
his instruments do not just sound defined, round and powerful, but also have a raw character that gives them a unique
sound that works well in a wide variety of styles. These instruments are also priced much lower than one would expect
and if you are a bass player they are definitely worth checking out. Visit
www.magnusguitars.de He also builds Jazz-basses for HotWire Bass.
Henning has worked for years with Steinberg's Cubase and is now an official Endorser of all their products.
Everything he produces is recorded, arranged and mixed using Cubase SX. This software not only lets the user be creative
and allows for quick access to anything one can dream up, but also sounds amazing and lets the musician create world class
projects on a home studio budget.
For example, Frameshift was completely recorded in Cubase.
Henning would like to give special thanks to B.L.U.E. mircophones. These mics are simply impressive and offer an amazing
value that other manufacturers can not live up to. All the vocals on Frameshift were recorded using a B.L.U.E. Blueberry
Condensor Microphone and James LaBrie is convinced he will continue using that mic because it worked amazingly well with
his voice.
